A subscription to the best sales person or BDR you've ever met...

Who doesn't get tired, or change jobs.


Get accurate contact details from the most relevant companies.

Company Validation

Describe your target industry, size, and location, and let Profitate’s AI find and validate your target companies using their websites and multiple sources to ensure they align with your ideal customer profile.

Clean Prospecting

Profitate autonomously delivers the cleanest prospecting lists you’ve ever seen.

Contact enrichment

Double-verified emails with the lowest possible bounce rates, enriched from over 10 databases and validated before you see them.


Listens across the internet for custom sales intel

Quality Sales Research

The quality and depth of sales research is THE biggest factor for outbound success. Your value prop is unique to you, your sales research needs to be too.

Define Your Triggers

Find the intel (at scale) that actually is relevant for your offering; LinkedIn company and contact posts, job boards, corporate websites, blogs, news sites, annual reports, review sites + anywhere else you can imagine across the internet.


Profitate prioritises the triggers that are most relevant to your value proposition.


Custom sales research + humanised Ai = 

unreal personalisation that converts.

Perfect Sales Emails

Using the custom sales research, Profitate’s Ai writes sales emails the way they should be written.

More than Just the First Line

It’s not about just personalising the first line of the email. Profitate understands your value proposition and links it to the trigger that initiated the email.

Next Level Personalisation

The emails combine personal, account, industry and role points of view for each contact, in the context of your offering.


Multi-channel: LinkedIn & email in one single platform


Run LinkedIn and email sequences on one system with an IF/AND sequencing builder.

One Platform

No more navigating between systems and paying multiple vendors.

LinkedIn Outreach

No more forgetting to connect/respond on LinkedIn.


Optimize your outreach by leveraging what’s already working.

Trigger Prioritisation

Do LinkedIn contact post triggers perform better than company news, or is it certain open roles or review sites?… let’s find out.

Email Structure Prioritisation

What email subject lines work best for your audience, length, value proposition A/B/C testing

and More...

20 other variables are tracked for optimisation

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